Summer is around the corner and many Australians will be getting ready to make full use of their swimming pool. Growing up I was lucky enough to have a swimming pool in my backyard and was swimming it as soon as the weather warmed up.
Now I am a father of two young kids, I love that my kids have fun in the pool but I am fully aware of the dangers even though both my kids can swim. Unfortunately, we are still seeing children drown in backyard pools with kids under the age of five most at risk.
These tragic deaths are preventable and have lead to the regulations around swimming pool safety being recently changed.
These regulations are governed at a state level and being Australia all states have slightly different regulations. Queensland is leading the way and if we follow their regulations you will be well covered.
If you would like to read Queensland’s pool safety regulations see the below link.
In relation to signage these are the key points:
CPR Signage for Pools.
Pool safety regulations were updated on 1st September 2019. Below are the main regulations for your swimming pool signage.
- If you have a pool, you must have your CPR signs for pools (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) cpr signage for pools prominently displayed.
- If you are building a new pool, it must have a CPR pool sign when completed and a warning sign during construction.
- Signage to be attached to the safety barrier of the pool or displayed near the pool so that the pool sign is easily visible to a person near the pool.
- Be at least 300mm by 300mm in size
- Be made of a durable and weatherproof material
- Include a prominent statement explaining how to act in an emergency (e.g. call Triple Zero, stay with the injured person, provide first aid).
These regulations are governed at a state or territory level and differ slightly between each state or territory. It is always best to check your state or territory regulations to make sure you meet the regulations.
Warning Signs
If you are building a swimming pool, before construction starts you must display a sign stating that it is under construction.
Warn people that a swimming pool is under construction, and that there is a danger to young children accessing the land (e.g. 'Danger. Swimming pool under construction. Keep children out.'
- Be placed within 1.5m of the road frontage for the land
- Be mounted so that the bottom of the sign is at least 300mm above ground level
- Be positioned so that it is visible from the road
- Be made of a weatherproof material
- Have the warning written in bold text at least 50mm high (QLD only).
- If the land has more than one road frontage, a warning sign is only required on one.
- When it comes to kids in the pool, all of this is not a substitute for adult supervision.
See links to both of these signs.
CPR Signs
Danger Sign