Collection: Hazchem Bulk Storage Signs

When emergency services respond to fires and chemical spills the responders need to know the potential hazards involved. Hazchem Bulk Storage Signs can help with providing important information efficiently and effectively.

When emergency services respond to fires and chemical spills at workplaces using, storing or handling hazardous chemicals, the responders need to know the potential hazards involved at such incidents. For effective and efficient emergency action, they need information about the type, quantity and locations of the hazardous chemicals stored at the workplace.

These signs are a means of alerting the emergency services and other persons to the presence of hazardous chemicals and providing information about them. They are an important part of an overall safety management strategy for workplaces using, storing or handling hazardous chemicals.

Function of placards

Hazchem Bulk Storage Signs serve to:

  • alert people (workers, contractors, visitors and emergency service personnel) to the presence of hazardous chemicals
  • identify hazardous chemicals stored in bulk (eg tanks)
  • identify areas where significant quantities of hazardous chemicals in packages are stored
  • identify the hazards of goods present, and
  • indicate the required emergency actions for hazardous chemicals in tanks through the use of the HAZCHEM code.